Well vacation is almost over and I have mixed emotions about going back to work on Monday. I really do miss my little ones (and mine is driving me crazy at home) but I have enjoyed the relaxing vacation that I have had. I honestly did NOTHING on my To Do list. I read 3 trashy love stories and caught up on my TV shows. I also played lots of games with my lil man and eat way to many cookies. This morning Parker started a Basketball Camp trough the city so we had to set the alarm clock and get up early... boy was that hard! How am I going to get up even earlier Monday morning??? Maybe I should get up early tomorrow to get ready... it is a nice thought but probably won't happen. Yesterday I started to panic because I have got nothing done and I left for vacation with all my Christmas stuff still up in my room. So, yesterday I went in and spend almost 5 hours just cleaning and organizing my room. I felt much better when I got home. Then I started working on printing an preping these fun units that I got on TpT last week. Next will be all about Super Hero's in room 3!

(Click on pictures to take you to the items over at Teachers Pay Teachers.)
I turned a movie on and went to town cutting an laminating. No I just need to get my Newsletter and a few other things done and I think I will be ready for my kiddos on Tuesday.
Have a great weekend!!!!!
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