Owl Shook Up


Sunday, November 3, 2013

Candy Corn Bandit Strikes Again!

A few years ago I discovered The Candy Corn Bandit packet by Babbling Abby over at The Inspired Apple. I am not big on parties and all the crazyness. So, I was SUPER excited when I found something that my kiddos thought made for "The Best Day Ever!"

Here is how are day goes: (I don't have pics of everything, sorry)

When we arrive at school in the morning there is a jar of candy corn for my kiddos to do some estimating with.

We then count out the candy corns into groups of 10 and see who's estimation was the closest.

Then it is time for some Candy Corn Bingo! *Not part of the packet*
 I made these cute little candy corn boxes with my Silhouette Cameo!

After Bingo it is time for recess. When we returned from recess our candy corn was gone and there was a note and a clue left for us. We completed the predictions pages before reading the first clue. 
Then we were off and hunting. I think this may have the the quietest line I have ever had ;)
I didn't get good pics of all our stops but here are a few.
 I LOVE our support staff! They are good at playing along. I think they get as excited as my kiddos do.

 Sorry this one is so blurry.
Once we returned to the classroom we talked about the clues and competed the writing and art project. I loved hearing about who they think the Candy Corn Bandit really is. Some of my kiddos even said that they saw him sneak into the classroom. This packet makes for a fun filled Halloween without all the crazyness of a party. My kiddos are already talking about how they think he will be back for Christmas. But, they will have to wait until February. I have also purchased the Sweetheart Snatcher for our Valentine's "party."

Side note: You will be seeing a lot of this handsome face this year. That handsome young man in my son, Parker. I am so lucky to get to be his teacher this year! We are having soooo much fun. I have learned so much about myself as a teacher and a mother :) If you ever get the chance to have your child in your class I suggest you do it. How many kids get to say "My mommy is my teacher?" Mine does. And he says it ALL the time!


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